Horchata (a.k.a. Almond Rice Milk):
1 cup long grain white rice

1 cinnamon stick or 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder
1 cup raw almonds (optional, but use of this ingredient is more traditional)
1/2 cup of sugar *
1 teaspoon vanilla extract, or 1 vanilla bean
* To cut calories, you may choose to use a sweetener, but please be mindful of the side effects of different sweeteners, including Splenda. My favorite sugar substitute is Truvia, and recommended a one to one ratio (1/4 cup of real Sugar and 1/4 cup of Truvia). Also, if you don't like to taste a lot of sweetness, use 1/4 cup sugar blend instead of 1/2 cup.
1. Using a blender or food processor, finely grind the rice.
2. Keeping in the blending apparatus, add the almonds, cinnamon, and 3 cups of water. Cover and let sit overnight.
3. Puree the soaked mixture until smooth.
4. Using 1 cup of water, bring to slight boil over the stove and dissolve the sugar.
4. Add 2 cups of water, sugar mixture, vanilla, and blend again.
5. Using a thin strainer, or sieve, or a cheesecloth (if you have one), strain the rice mixture into a serving pitcher.
6. Add the remaining 2 cups of water and mix together.
7. Serve over ice, or keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
Serves 6-8
Horchata, also known as Almond Rice Milk, is a great substitute to cow milk for those lactose intolerant. Because of this, Horchata does mix nicely with your morning cereal. I like the Horchata and Cheerios combination. Or, for the ladies, you may choose to add a touch of rum to your Horchata, a touch of bourbon to your Horchata for the men, and viola, a homemade cocktail.